Angela Neatby's Commentary
Posted February 11, 2017 (user submitted)
Once a very popular shopping mall with the now defunct Zellers as its anchor store, the slow, long and steady decline of this mall has been painful. Many of these stores have sat empty for upwards of 15 years. The mall was last renovated approximately 25 years ago and this is evident in the early '90's style of the floor tile. Walmart bought the space that Zellers once occupied and blocked off mall access from its store. There is a gym on the second level which was once a movie theatre (Cinema Vendome) and visitors to this mall usually just cut through to get to it. The opposite end of the mall houses a grocery store but aside from a Dollar Store, a couple of cheap clothing stores and a fly-by-night manicure salon there isn't much left. This mall is basically just a couple of long, desolate hallways with boarded up stores. The bathrooms are notorious for unsavory activities and police are often parked outside.
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Submitted by Angela Neatby